From Left: Leah Jones, Kidest Gebre, Rev. Dr. Faith Harris, & Dr. Lakshmi Fjord at MVP Violation Vigil Saturday, December 11th, 2021
Blog Post by: Kidest Gebre, VAIPL
This past weekend, staff members of Virginia Interfaith Power & Light (VAIPL) participated along with many partners in a day of action to call out the violations to Virginia’s waterways and wildlife by the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). During the Mountain Valley pipeline construction, there have been more than 300 violations against our waterways and streams.
Yesterday, the Virginia Water Board, approved the stream-crossing permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline. We are incredibly disappointed by the decision to give MVP the stream-crossing water permit when they have carelessly transgressed so many times already. Protecting our streams and rivers is critical to the health of the state’s economy and the welfare of its people.
In addition to the pipeline, MVP LLC is proposing to build the Southgate Lambert Compressor Station in Pittsylvania County. This community is already the site for two large compressor stations. According to a recent study, “no matter which of the main types of air pollutants you look at, people of color are breathing more of it.” The Lambert Compressor Station would increase the levels of air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and formaldehyde in this community.
We believe all faith traditions call us to care for our neighbors and honor our interdependence with the natural world. Our faith also calls us to support and empower communities fighting environmental injustices. We thank the air board for denying the air permit for the Lambert compressor station & protecting our EJ communities.