A General Climate Blessing
Sister Joan Brown
NM Interfaith Power & Light
A Wish for the Earth
by Elizabeth Levie
Student at University High School, San Fransisco
in celebration of IPL’s 15th Anniversary
Love God, Love Your Neighbor
The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham
Sermon preached at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
San Francisco, CA
Our Neighbor Earth
The Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon
Friends Congregational Church, UCC
College Station, TX
What would Jesus Do About Air Pollution?
Pat Hoerth
Perry First United Methodist Church
Perry, OK
The Power of Water
The Rev. Nancy Rockwell
The Congregational Church in Exeter, UCC
Exeter, NH
Global Warming
By Metwalli B. Amer, Ph.D, Founder and Executive Director of Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims
Texts: Qur’an 45:12, 55:60, 28:77, 31:11, 3:189-91, 55:5, 55:7, 36:40, 6:96, 55:8, 30:41-42, 54:50-56, 7:56
The Qur’an mentions care for the environment and maintaining a balance in multiple places. We must practice love for each other and for the planet and urge our legislators to create laws that will cut greenhouse gas emissions.
By Paul Amrhein, Human Concerns Minister
St. Bridget’s Catholic Church, Richmond, VA
God wanted Noah’s help to save creation. Can we be modern-day Noahs?
Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5768
By Rabbi Laura Geller
Reform Judaism
Temple Emanuel, Beverly Hills, CA
Texts: Rava; Genesis 1-2; Midrash Rabba 3:1; Deuteronomy 20:19-20; Mishna Torah, Laws of Kings and Wars 6:8-10; Sefer HaChinuch 529
Caring about the planet is profoundly Jewish. This congregation can do something by taking the Green Pledge to reduce carbon emissions individually and as a congregation.
Valentine from God
Gladys Gifford, ALP
South Park United Presbyterian
Buffalo, NY