The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology
Virginia Union University Johnson A. Edosomwan Center
2017 Best Practices Conference
Announcing the Good News: Caring for Creation
Thursday, May 18 through Saturday, May 20, 2017
The vision for Announcing Good News: Caring for Creation began with a conversation among VAIPL board members Rev. Dr. Faith Harris, Kendyl Crawford, and Rev. M. Dele more than three years ago and came to fruition in three days of inspiration. In collaboration with The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology Virginia Union University Johnson A. Edosomwan Center for Evangelism, Missions, and Global Christianity, the conference provided information to help faith communities develop a faithful response to climate change. We heard from grassroots activists, preachers, environmental scientists, and pastors who are on the front lines to raise awareness of the impacts of human indifference to the mandate to care for creation.
“I was most impressed with the convergence of science and passion with the commitment to develop sustainable practices, environmental advocacy, and inspirational messages. The conference was a wonderful success and has spawned new conversations and plans for further engagement to come.” – Rev. Dr. Faith Harris, VAIPL Board Co-Chair
“A welcome universal language greeted us on a recent Thursday morning, a percussive melody, instrumental, as a voice elevated our spirits with a language of love, a love, a care for all creation.
These truly good vibrations introduced us to the Reverend Ambrose Carroll, who illuminated us, forming our Best Practices Conference with the good word, bringing form from the void.
Aware now, our consciousness of creation carried us forward to further developments among a diversity of communities.
We all react to exclusive efforts to cut off our communities, from sustainable, soil, souls – as well as water and air.
We learned when we take the off ramp into those desolate and dark places, good things, Jesus, a christ consciousness itself can emerge and hip, hop from the shadows into prominence, into a mainstream of consciousness where our struggles and our creative spirits find both challenge and opportunities.
We are blessed with wisdom and truth from those who organized, administrated and presented these best practices. We are energized and informed to work, to grow more efficient and more effective sustainable communities, together.” – Jonathan Fraser, VAIPL Board Treasurer