Call Governor McAuliffe: Stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Call Governor McAuliffe to tell him to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline! 804-798-2211

The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is asking for folks to call Governor McAuliffe to stand up to Dominion Energy and stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. VAIPL is encouraging its membership to do the same.

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline would transport fracked gas from West Virginia through Virginia and to North Carolina, crossing rivers, creeks and other surface waters almost 1,700 times and threatening national forests, drinking water sources, endangered wildlife and local farms and communities.

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has the power to deny the permit for this project if it jeopardizes water quality in the state — but they need to feel massive public pressure from Virginians like you.

Sample Call Script

My name is [first & last name], and I’m from [city/town] and I attend [congregation].

I wanted to say thank you to Governor McAuliffe for protecting Virginia’s coastal environment and communities from offshore oil and gas drilling.

But I also want to encourage him to recommend that the State Water Control Board deny certification for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and protect communities across the Commonwealth and many of our sacred waterways that will be harmed by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

As a [person of faith/religious person], I’m called to love my neighbors and I don’t show love for my neighbor by needlessly harming their communities and drinking water.



Please consider donating to VAIPL’s efforts to stop the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines.

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