Stand with Pakistan: Our Call to Action!

In the past week, Pakistan has been devastated by record-breaking floods that have left behind scenes of immense destruction. A third of the country is underwater, impacting over 30 million people. There has been an incredible monsoon season with more prolonged, massive rainfall, and Pakistan is also home to more than 7,000 glaciers that are melting due to climate change. This natural disaster results from climate change and global warming and is a prime example of the tragedies that will continue to occur due to the climate crisis. 

I am troubled by the lack of media attention that this emergency has received. There should not be a hierarchy of worthiness to who receives consideration and support in these troubling times, yet the Pakistani people’s struggles have been severely underrepresented. When we think about the climate crisis, we must consider those most detrimentally impacted. Countries like Pakistan in the Global South generate the least amount of carbon emissions yet face the most harm due to climate change. We should feel compelled to act and respond to all communities’ calls for assistance. 

Flooding is also impacting the U.S., such as in places like Buchanan, Virginia, where last month, rain flooded the area, affecting over 100 homes. We are also seeing record-breaking heat waves, pollution, and sea-level rise. With these issues worsening, we need to find ways to strengthen the community and work together to rebuild and address climate change. One way that Virginia can do this is by staying in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). These funds better protect Virginia communities from devastating floods and pressure companies to continue to shift away from climate-destroying fossil fuels. 

We need to continue the fight to combat climate change and work towards true environmental justice. Environmental justice aims to uplift those most vulnerable to this all-encompassing threat. Listed below are some resources to support Pakistan. We invite you to help in any way you can and continue to uplift the urgency of our call to action! 

You can support Pakistan here

A special thank you to our Chair Board Member, Mrs. Aliya Farook, for sharing this link with us!